Dementia is the name of a combination of symptoms that has a negative affect on ones memory, thought processes and language. It can strike anyone at any age.

In fact, Lady Thatcher’s daughter described, in her mother’s memoirs, how her mother once the most powerful woman in Britain suffered from Dementia, and was left struggling to complete sentences, forgot where she lived and didn’t realise her husband Dennis had died.

We at SC Galaxy understand the debilitating impact Dementia can wreak on the lives of dementia sufferers. Our Dementia Care service aims to support our clients and their family carers, to cope better with the symptoms of dementia.

Please contact us for Dementia support today … we are waiting to wrap our service around YOU.

Alzheimer’s Care

Alzheimer’s disease is documented as the leading cause of Dementia. It is a debilitating physical disease that directly affects the brain.

Symptoms include:

  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty with speech and understanding
  • Periods of mental confusion
  • Changes in behavior and emotional responses
  • Problems with movement
  • Increased apathy
  • Loss of confidence

Learn more about Alzheimer’s disease.

We at SC Galaxy understand the debilitating impact Alzheimer’s Disease can wreak on lives of people who suffer with Alzheimer’s.

Our Alzheimer’s care service aims to support our clients and their family carers, to cope better with the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and also help our clients to continue to live in the comfort of their own home.

Please contact us for Alzeimer’s support today